The Silver Eye Examination
The Silver Eye Examination conducted by a specialist optometrist provides an in-depth vision test and eye health check.
What is the Silver Eye Examination?
The Silver Eye Examination introduces a tailored approach to eye examinations by coupling the use of the latest technological advances in the industry with an increased consultation time with our skilled clinicians. Building upon our Bronze Eye Examination, our Silver Eye Examination employs the application of Slit lamp and Digital imaging, including Digital Retinal Photography or Corneal Topography, which allows us to monitor and track any changes more closely over time.
Our Silver Eye Examination is designed for patients experiencing symptoms such as headaches, double vision, painful or red eyes, requiring an accurate diagnosis and management plan; or for those patient’s interested in obtaining a second opinion or a more comprehensive assessment of their eye health.
The Silver Eye Examination is Recommended for:
All patients over 20 (as a minimum) – It’s important to us that your eyesight and eye health are monitored and looked after thoroughly. We recommend the Silver Eye Examination as the minimum level of eye examination to ensure that your eyes are in their healthiest condition.
All patients interested in a comprehensive eye health examination – this is a more thorough eye examination without specialist tests included in the Gold or Platinum Eye Examinations.
Silver Eye Examination Technology